What is the cause of the majority of data breaches?

As the world becomes more digital, a data breach is one of the biggest concerns we have to contend with. Whether your Social Security number was stolen or your company’s internal data was leaked, these can be devastating occurrences to endure. Fortunately, with the help of a data breach attorney, you can fight back.

The best defense against this is to know the cause of most data breaches. When you understand this, you can better plan how to avoid them and how to deal with them if they happen. We will review some of the leading causes of data breaches, but if you have already experienced one, do not hesitate to reach out.

Phishing scams

Phishing scams occur when a scammer sends an email or sometimes a call claiming to be a trusted entity. This entity can be an internet provider, an online store, or any number of things, but they always ask for personal information. So, how can phishing cause a data breach? 

Whatever information you give out to anyone can be used against you or your company, and phishing is a leading cause of data breaches. According to the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, 8 out of 10 organizations have at least one individual who fell for the CISA Assessment Teams’ attempt to test security. Other sources put the “success” rate from these scams still higher, saying phishing emails have caused 90% of data breaches.

Malware attacks 

A malware attack can be a leading cause of cyber crimes and data breaches for companies and individuals. Malware usually comes from viruses downloaded from emails, websites, and links. Like most causes of data breaches, these can be deceptively professional-looking. 

Before you click links or download any software, get it from a reputable source. Antivirus software can be a lifesaver, and most computers should have at least a rudimentary program installed. While malware can be cleaned from the device, any data lost is likely gone for good and can be used by whoever collected it.

Password attacks

When you wonder, “What is the leading cause of data breaches?” you may not guess a password attack. This is when a hacker tries to guess your password repeatedly until they figure it out. While this seems ineffective, it is one of the most common causes of data breaches. 

A password can only have so many combinations; as time-consuming as it may seem, this is a genuine threat to your security. Often, people choose weak passwords easily guessed by those with a passing knowledge of the individual and use the same password for every account. 

Only select a password that cannot be easily guessed, never the names of someone close or a word related to your business. Keep these to yourself, and try to prevent potential exposure as much as possible. Though it may be tempting, try not to reuse your passwords, keeping a unique one for each account.

Reach out for legal aid following a data breach 

Despite your best efforts, a security breach is always still possible. The most important advice is to move fast and contact an experienced data breach lawyer immediately. They can help you plan to minimize the damage and secure compensation from the parties responsible for stealing your precious data.

At Mason LLP, we will do all we can for you, putting our background and skills to work for you. Whether you are someone whose personal information has been stolen or a company facing a significant leak, we have the tools to help. Schedule your free consultation through our contact form or at (202) 429-2290.
